The past few weeks, going through Peckham on the train on the way to London Bridge, I noticed some large scale paintings in amongst the largely derelict buildings just outside the station. Visible from the train is a huge bird perched on top of a stack of skulls plus various other creatures as you whiz past an open courtyard in the building. Today I decided to go and find it and take some pictures as a respite from the studio mix sessions.
There’s no obvious way to get to them but there is a small alleyway off Peckham High St., by the fishmongers, that leads to it. This was, frustratingly, barred by a locked gate so I had to find another way. Various fire escapes out the back of indoor markets led to dead ends or more locked gates. In the end I had to go round the block to the opposite end of the next side street, into a lock up area where store keepers were storing merchandise and I could hear bands practicing behind closed doors. After a couple more wrong turns I found my way down between the buildings, into the courtyard and this is what I found.
[singlepic id=2950 w=640 h=990 float=left]

If anyone knows who the artists are I would be interested to know more. The power of the internet rears its head, apparently the animals and skulls are by ROA from Belgium, couple of galleries here and his tumblr here. Looks like the other stuff is Sheffield artist Phelgm, thanks to all those who pointed it out.
All these pictures are from the same courtyard, you can only see the bird on the skulls from the train and a bit of a walrus (?) over the door, the rest are in the same courtyard but at ground level.
Are all the pictures you’ve taken in peckham because when passing ive only seen the bird ontop of the skulls and i would like to see the rest.
This is nice art.
Looks like Phlegm to me: